

At Tallai we build successful partnerships which is the cornerstone to delivering successful projects. We use six key principles to support a ‘one-team’ culture:

  • Be clear about intentions
  • Be prepared to take responsibility and action
  • Provide consistent leadership across all areas
  • Respect everyone’s opinions
  • Understand project commitments
  • Focus on a ‘win-win’ outcome in all situations


This fosters an environment for producing a high performing team (one-team) and by implementing Tallai’s ‘Continuous Improvement Process’ which enables teams to improve daily. This ensures that there is a constant exchange of information and two-way communication across the project office, project sites, and between the management hierarchy.


A business that depends on its people and partners must keep them safe and ensure their wellbeing, therefore providing safe and healthy workplaces for all employees, subcontractors, clients and the community is key for Tallai. We have a culture that looks out for one another, and we pride ourselves on doing what we say we are going to do.

Our Safety Management System is built around our continuous improvement process where we focus on improving from one day to the next. All employees and subcontractors understand our safety-first culture and their obligations, roles and responsibilities. Tallai ensure all workers receive ongoing training to support and promote safe work practices on our sites and offices.

We support safe communities and provide safe, supportive and positive workplaces for our people. We ensure the project is safe to construct, operate and maintain


Tallai is committed to providing quality outcomes, that ensures we meet the project requirements. This starts with a detailed review of the scope and specification and building our project IMS to manage our compliance.

Our people and subcontractors can then be equipped to use their expertise to deliver a quality product, first time – every time.

Our capability in Project Management and Project Controls allows us to plan effectively, forecast and budget to meet performance objects whilst ensuring sustainability is delivered.


We are always looking for value in our offer to our clients.

Being a SME, we are able to maintain low overhead costs on our projects and be nimble and efficient with our decision making, generally allowing us to adapt to the circumstance of the project or client.

Tallai target innovation through knowledge sharing and collaboration, developing a culture of collaboration encourages knowledge sharing and capture of innovation.

We provide alternative solutions that will provide better outcomes and are always looking for simple standardised and repeatable solutions.


It’s quite simple, we do what we say, no surprises.

Our people act with integrity, operate honestly and respectfully, hold each other accountable and seek sustainable supply chain outcomes.

Our collaborative approach leads us to look for win-win outcomes.


Focus on being recognised as a leader in sustainability by our clients and the construction industry, sustainability is about meeting the needs of today without compromising the future.

We promote environmentally responsible outcomes by using resources efficiently, minimising waste and building resilience to climate risks and seek environmentally and socially responsible supply chain solutions.

We analyse our operations and identify how we can lessen any impacts, including recycling and reusing waste materials, reducing carbon emissions, protecting flora and fauna, monitoring waterways, and revegetating affected areas to regenerate ecosystems.

Gender Equality

We focus on creating safe, diverse and rewarding workplaces for our people.

We are committed to providing real career opportunities regardless of gender to help ensure our ongoing success and sustainable growth via the unique value that each gender brings to our company.

Indigenous Participation

Our first nation people, the custodians of the land which we undertake our business on, is important for us as a business to support, learn from and share stories of.

Our commitment is to ensure we provide participation in employment, training and enterprise opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and businesses over the life of a Project.

We do this by the engagement of Indigenous businesses and social enterprises throughout our business and onto our subcontractors on our projects and Development of culturally safe workplace practices.

Local Labour

We promote a culture that builds capability and supports opportunities for sustainability, diversity and inclusion within the local community.

We deliver resilient projects and places that support communities and leave positive legacies.
Tallai utilise the employment, training and business opportunities that our projects provide to foster diversity and social inclusion.

Supporting Non-For-Profit Organisations

Tallai places a high importance on giving back to the community. We support and work closely with St Vincent De Paul Society (Vinnies), a not-for-profit organisation.

We are proud sponsors of the Vinnies CEO Sleepout where leaders in business, community and government will sleep without shelter on one of the longest nights of the year to help change the lives of Australians experiencing homelessness. Our team members also participate in this annual event helping raise valuable funds and awareness about homelessness in Australia.

Tallai will continue to support Vinnies and their campaigns as we believe whole-heartedly in their cause and in giving back to the wider community by volunteering our people and resources.